Ensign Eyes
Public work for GIBCA Extended 2013

Martha Persson and Marja Knape produced the work Ensign Eyes especially for GIBCA Extended. The work consisted of about 100 white flags placed on the city’s flag poles. Along with the viewer and the residents of Gothenburg, Persson and Knape wanted to activate the urban space by creating a possible idea of capitulation and peace.
“Through Ensign Eyes we want to allude to the imaginary, by calling for peace in the city and in the society. The idea of giving up or surrender to peace, personally or as a global endeavor, can create a liberating sense for the urban resident who is constantly confronted with increasing everyday requirements. The white flag becomes a signal, a sort of incentive to stop, turn and think the opposite way around. What happens when we give up, lay down and let the capitulation wash over us? “